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Mr Green's Blog


  • Wind power is the USA's leading source of renewable energy, offsetting 329 million metric tons of CO2 emissions each year. However, its expansion faces challenges like geographic limitations and transportation issues. Converting wind power to ammonia could solve these problems and offer additional environmental benefits.
  • The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has recently proposed new energy conservation standards for External Power Supplies (EPSs). These proposed standards, known as Trial Standard Level 4 (TSL4), aim to tighten energy efficiency requirements across all types of EPSs.
  • 在美國,約有 50 萬輛校車為近 2500 萬學生提供服務,每年行駛約 34 億英里,減少了大約 1700 萬輛汽車的需求。目前,只有 1% 的校車是電動車輛,這樣一來,黃色公車便成為政府減少碳排放的明確目標。
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